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Herstmonceux Church of England Primary School

Welcome to Sycamore Class

with Miss Mortland and Mrs Hibbert!


Welcome to Year 6 – the final year at primary school! We’re looking forward to an exciting and rewarding year ahead. Year 6 can be hard work but also incredibly rewarding and great fun. We plan to provide a varied and stimulating curriculum through which we can also prepare the children for their SATs in May. We are committed to helping every child reach their potential and achieve as well as possible in their final year.


Important Information:

Our PE lessons are on Wednesday and Friday. Children will need to come to school dressed in their full PE kit (please ensure earrings are taken out if possible or the children have access to earring tape).

Home learning will be set on Tuesday and returned on the following Monday.

PPA cover will be in the class on Wednesday afternoons.

Please ensure the children have water bottles and reading books in school every day.


Ash Class 2023-24


Year 6 Term 1 Topic Letter

 Year 6 Topic Letter Term 2

 Pupils rise to the challenges set by their teachers so that they succeed in their academic
and personal development. They show interest in what they learn and ask searching
questions. Pupils take pride in roles they are given to make the school a great place to
learn. They are well prepared for secondary school. - Ofsted 2022